Our Causes
Support for Education of children
Identification of drop-out & at-risk children:- SHGs, VVCs, and the community, in general, have helped in identifying beneficiaries for integration into the mainstream schooling system, and candidates for enlistment in the education support. The limited number of seats in the education support center has posed a challenge in accommodating beneficiaries beyond the set limit of 90 seats when actually more learners deserved attention.
Enrolment of identified children to respective classes and follow-up with schools:- Due to budget constraints, SMOKUS has to be extremely selective in choosing and providing financial support to beneficiaries. Concerned school authorities were approached to see the viability of extending reduced fees to such students.
Education support to identified drop-out & at-risk children:- Limitations in space, manpower,

and supplies considerably inhibit Rupantor intervention in the provision of educational support to the drop-outs children & a high number of children at-risk. Learners presently enrolled in classes VIII & IX however have already been identified for inclusion in the next batch of beneficiaries for the following year. School supplies have been distributed to these learners and provision of study materials has likewise been done. The present number of enrollees in the study support center has been provided with whatever available supplies as well.
Supportive Education Centre:- 180 children beneficiaries who had very little chance of pursuing education, have been provided with education support involving regular all-subjects coaching and learning materials; class IX students of the lot have passed and have been promoted to Class X while the class X students of the same lot have qualified in their pre-board exams and will now sit in the board exam at the end of the school year.

Running Child Clubs & Youth Group
In five Child Club (age group of children: 8 yrs – 14 yrs) and ten Youth Groups (age group of children: 15 yrs – 25 yrs), continuous efforts are being taken to make the children aware of their rights, and the relevant issues on Child Migration, Child Trafficking, and Child Rights. In addition, various unique forms of participative activities have been adopted to impart the knowledge and information to the children along with the formally recognized teaching methods of question-answer, discussion, etc. Such activities include different types of folk games, songs, poetry recitation, dance, drawing, drama, developing wall magazines, etc., which are innovatively used or made connected with the respective subject or topic by the animators and facilitators as the most effective supportive activities to their learning process. Interactive session has been organized for the improvement of the self-esteem and leadership
quality of the children. The children and youth have now confidently expressed their opinions regarding their rights or on any other social issues before the adults. On the other hand, a few examples of showing respect for the views of children and accepting the same seriously in the meetings by the community have also been found. Children have initiated a special awareness drive on Child Rights at local formal schools through the presentation of drama on safe migration & anti-trafficking. Children & youth have been effectively instrumental in advocacy campaigns concerning such issues as plastic garbage-free villages, cleanliness drives by providing garbage bins after collecting contributions from the community, and tree plantations. While the children had done the activities themselves, they had also promoted awareness of these issues in community cultural programs (drama) and rallies.
Formation & Capacity Building of Bal Panchayat at Gram Panchayat
The establishment of one Bal Panchayat has been instrumental in improving children’s involvement in participatory governance in that the members were able to identify issues that affect children either directly or indirectly. Training of Bal Panchayat had been intensive and members, as a result, were able to identify the problems & issues with the supervision of adults. They are presenting the said issues to the authority.

Capacity Building for Village Vigilance Committee Members
VVC meetings have been instrumental in keeping a tab on the number of migrant workers, their whereabouts, and the overall safety of movement. Identification of other community issues such as child marriage and other child rights violations has been integral to VVCs. In this regard, VVCs have been actively involved in monitoring, formulating action plans with the support of other community stakeholders, and maintaining close coordination with law enforcement agencies in cases involving the prevention of child marriage and solving migrant-worker problems. Thus, VVC formation has considerably changed the community outlook. Planting and harvesting seasons have a considerable effect on VVCs in that meetings need to be scheduled in the early evenings and Rupantor staff have to adjust accordingly. The VVC
members have distributed the Safe Migration Help Card to migrant people. So far there have been 683 total numbers of Safe Migration Help Cards distributed to migrant workers.
Capacity Building for Community Members on Child Protection & Participation
The objectives of the programme are- to orient the community Members on various aspects of child protection including issues like child education, child migration, child marriage, child labour, child trafficking, etc; to let the community know about the existing Laws and Acts that protect children from any sorts of violation of rights; to make the community member conversant with gender aspect as a cross-cutting of implementation.

Capacity Building for Community Members on Panchayati Raj Institution and Associated Government Schemes
The objectives of the programme were – to orient the community Members on the overview and various functions of Gram Panchayats; to let the community know regarding the existing Laws and Acts that propel Panchayat to act as a local self-governance unit; to make the participants conversant with gender aspect as a cross-cutting of implementation; to sensitize the participants on the availability of Government Schemes that have designed for the rural poor marginalized community people to eradicate extreme poverty; too aware rural community people regarding their rights and entitlements that have been bestowed by the constitution.
Village Information Centre
While printed materials have been sufficient in the two Village Information Centres should take advantage of the ubiquitous presence of technology and as such should be digitally empowered and enhanced to handle online connectivity. District authorities and especially the IT department should be approached to provide infrastructure and free broadband connectivity.
For this period, a total of 554 footfalls have been registered. Dwindling VIC footfalls will automatically increase when the local community will begin to see it as truly an equipped resource center not just for information but also for facilitation of travel through online bookings, job-related searches, a marketing hub for agricultural products and sourcing, and stations for online queries and complaints booking. In VIC Computer training has been provided to children & youth.

Strengthening Self-Help Groups
Through regular meetings, SHGs are now able to conduct meetings properly, write relevant resolutions, set and implement livelihood activities, budget planning, sourcing, loan repayment, etc. Regular meetings have also been used as platforms to discuss issues that affect children.
SHGs have also undergone training in piggery, goat raising, and vegetable farming. As a result, SHGs became eligible for loans to carry out their livelihood projects and meet their loan repayments on time. While the number of required targets of SHG interaction with govt. authorities, banks, and PRIs have been achieved, and regular consultation and reinforcement of linkages can be pursued. Members of SHGs were able to identify and internalize the causes and effects of social issues ranging from child marriage, child unsafe migration, instances of
A strategy to overcome a major challenge of lost productivity is by holding the activity on a day when no economic loss is incurred. Members of SHGs were able to grasp the concepts of PRI and participation, Gram Sansad (village-level planning/meeting) and Gram Sansad sabha, and MGNREGS. The SHG members were able to present their issues and proposals for action at the panchayat level.
In the COVID situation during lockdown children of child clubs have sensitized the other children and community people through poster, whatsApp video, leaflet etc. The children of the child club are talking about different child protection issues with other children. In this lockdown situation children of child club and SMOKUS have played a significant role in stopping 9 child marriages.
In this situation the SMOKUS have reduced the mental distress of the children to communicate with them repeatedly through phone call and home visit. SMOKUS team members gathering information from children about their feelings in this crisis situation and discussion on the support required and follow-up for the preparation for unforeseen situation. SMOKUS has prepared of list where rights are violated and services are not

Children have prepared request letter based on the identified violation of rights and submitted to Gram Panchayat members.
Analysis of the situation through home visit and gathering information from each families with whom we are working on children’s behavior and feelings, challenges faced by the families, how did they do for the prevention of COVID 19, whether children have faced any violence at home during lockdown etc.
Through awareness campaign youth were talking with community people to discuss about child protection.
Child club facilitators have provided support through home visit and through phone call and whatsapp. Facilitators divided the child club children into small groups and allowed them to write or draw on different subjects like child rights and present situation, awareness on Covid19 situation, health & Hygiene and some other things they learned in Child Club. Facilitators have also given this kind of work to individual children.
In this situation the financial condition of the families is very bad so the children are likely to become child laborers, child marriages, school drop-out. To protect the children of villages children of child club, youths of youth group, women’s groups members and organizations have been campaigning through poster, phone call, whatsapp message etc to create awareness towards child protection among the people of the village.
The children of child club have discussed with the Childline, Block Administration through online meeting and submitted request letter that the government take responsibility to ensure the protection of the children.
SMOKUS team members have analyzed of the situation through home visit and gathering information from each families with whom we are working on children’s behavior and feelings, challenges faced by the families, how did they do for the prevention of COVID 19, whether children have faced any violence at home during lockdown etc. SMOKUS team members have provided psycho-social and moral support to children.

In COVID situation due to lockdown migrant laborers have lost their jobs and returned to their home. In this situation SMOKUS team members have talked to the Gram Panchayat and Panchayat have arranged the jobs for those people in MGNRES.
SMOKUS has successfully digitized 2 lakh rural women. Many of them are now using digital media to find different jobs and bring their products to the forefront. These Rural women typically form community networks and organize activities for the groups. We encourages these women to serve as agents for change by taking the lead in promoting digital literacy within their rural communities. In short, the programme helps to create a cadre of digitally-trained women in rural communities who train other women, thereby building a growing network of trainers who impart digital literacy to rural citizens. Through this programme,
In COVID situation, constantly SMOKUS has make aware the community people towards COVID prevention measure through poster campaign, leaflet distribution, public address system etc.
During COVID situation SMOKUS has provided health care support (sanitizer, soap, masks etc.) to identified 2000 families.
In this COVID situation the SMOKUS team members have reduced the mental distress of the children to communicate with them repeatedly. The facilitators were gathering information from children about their feelings in this crisis situation and discussion on the support required.

Before lockdown the children of child club have developed organic nutrition garden at child club. In this situation they have distributed from their nutrition garden to poor children of their respective village. SMOKUS has distributed nutritious foods (nuts, grams, soybean, eggs, rice etc) to children of 1000 families. SMOKUS along with Gram Panchayat members have accessed to food and other required / available government services (like public distribution system) to members of different families who are in quarantine by the local authority.
Strengthening Children
Children have become much more vocal. Now the knowledge about child rights has increased among children. Participation of children in child club activity, families and community has increased. During lockdown children have sensitized the community through postering, whatsapp video making etc. The children of the child club are talking about the child rights with other children.
In this lockdown situation children of child club have played a significant role in stopping 9 child marriages. Keep in mind the Covid 19, to aware the other children and community people the children of child club have campaigned in the village through hanging poster in front their house. In this lockdown situation, the children are regularly discussing through meeting with the government institutions, dept, agencies so that child marriage, child labour,

Child club established interaction with the duty bearers which they have decided of their own. Children have identified the problems which are affecting them. After that they have submitted demand to concern authority. Child Club children also have taken significant action towards community awareness on environment protection through social media massage.
Child Club members placed their demand to the SMOKUS for a child friendly space for the Child Club as the earlier space was not up to the mark. SMOKUS built a space for them where the Child Club is being run now a day.

Strengthening Youths
Youth group members have developed a youth platform comprising of youth from 5 others districts of West Bengal. They have been able to identify issues of advocacy and placing their demands with the Block and District Administration. 110 problem identification meetings (physical) with youth group members have been organised throughout the year. During lockdown youth group meetings were organized through online on tele conference. Youth have identified different problems like Child marriage, child labour, child unsafe migration etc.
During lockdown youth group members have organized awareness campaign in the community for protecting children from child marriage, child labour, child health & hygiene etc. In the covid 19 and lockdown situation they have provided free tuition support to 150 children of II to VI standard. They have provided food support, health and hygiene support to
1000 children. Youths have reached out to the 1000 children through telephonic conversation who can be victims of different forms of abuse / violence during the pandemic of COVID 19 due to lockdown by the help of Members of Global Youth Council. They have started an initiative to protect children from abuse. In this process they are taking the help of the youth leaders of National youth platforms of 5 states of India. In this process 90 youth leaders will take part in their respective areas. Total 1500 children have gotten support from youth led initiatives
Strengthening Community
Community participation has been meaningfully effective in creating child safe environment with support from the Panchayats and other respective authorities.
They have been involved in the planning & Implementation phases of different activities to enhance their active participation. As a result they have contributed their time in reporting on issues of child marriage and child abuse.
Now the knowledge about child rights has increased among Self Help Group members. They have become much more aware now. Now they can identified the case of child rights violations. During lockdown SHG members have identified and list down the risk for children as a result of lockdown. For health issue they have campaigned in the village through poster. Through phone they have discussed with other parents about their child protection. They

The skills of Parents Committee have increased through discussion. Committee members are now more inclined to take care of the children’s education in their area. They are communicating more with the school teachers about their children’s education than ever before. During lockdown, according to the request letter of the parents committee, the school authorities announced in the villages when the children will be given mid-day-meal from the schools
Government Partnership
SMOKUS has collaborated with various Government Departments and Agencies including the Department of Women and Child Development, West Bengal State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, CHILDLINE, District Child Protection unit and Child Welfare committees. SMOKUS also works closely with Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samity, District Police and District Administration. District administration has recognized SMOKUS as Training Resource Organization on child protection. SMOKUS with support from Government of West Bengal has introduced Safe Migration Help Cards as an identity to the migrant people.
Challenge and lessons learnt
We could not do the daily work in the presence of the children, youth, community people and other actors. In this situation when we could not bring the children together in support education centre, child club; could not bring the adult in various meeting we have used mobile phone, home visit to keep the supportive education centre, child club and community activity running. We have faced many difficulties in working in this way. It has become an obstacle in getting good results.
It has been found that involvement of the communities during the strategic programme implementation plan is quite effective in achieving the desired results as the communities remain as one of the major stakeholders in the entire involvement process.
Interactive lesson plan at the Supportive Education Centres have been found to be effectively useful for the children. This interactive lesson plan opened the window for free and meaningful communication between teachers and students.
The parents have been asked to keep adequate communication with their children to understand their behaviour, learning, problems and any other issues. This has been shared based on the learning from interactive lesson plan.
The challenges being faced during prevention of child marriage has been shared with the Superintendent of Police, District Child Protection Unit, Child Welfare Committee and necessary support has been sought in dealing with these situations more effectively.
Adopting Sustainable Practice
Limitations in resources dictated a frugal approach to rural development and an impeccable level of accountability in resource mobilisation. This means making sure every single paisa in the budget contributes to the achievement of programme objectives. SMOKUS team have likewise been adequately instructed on time management and meeting targets set within the timeline. The result has been that project has not overshot budget limits and that team have effectively met previously set targets without compromising the quality and efficacy of intervention.
Substantial improvement of capacities of stakeholders in dealing with participatory governance has been achieved to a considerable level of acceptability. But because of the changing ground reality, capacity building has to be constantly updated to meet challenges. This has been achieved by including relevant modules in SMOKUS team and stakeholders’ capacity-building exercise on communication and presentation skills, information sourcing, especially with regards to leveraging technology and the internet in achieving objectives. Resources mobilisation and rechanneling is an option.
Training on Gender Equality and Environment Protection
A day-long capacity building training on Gender Equality and Environment Protection was organised today for the entire team of Educators and Facilitators at the project office, Murshidabad. The training was imparted by Nahid Nasrin (Child club and Participation Coordinator), Moumita Roy (Education Coordinator) and Shyamashri Sarkar (Protection and SHG Coordinator).
The training included sessions on gender and its role in the society, gender discrimination and effect of planetary boundaries (i.e. recent climate change effects) impacting violation of child rights followed by group presentations and discussion.
# In today’s world, Children are the worst hit by Climate Change.

Helping in Uninterrupted Education
SMOKUS runs 8 support education centers in Murshidabad district. Due to the excessive heat wave conditions and school closures, the centers are functioning early in the morning.
Our Kantakhali center caters to children studying at Class X STD, preparing them for upcoming board exams in 2025. This center is presently catering to children of both Kantakhali and Barjumla villages. Teachers are delivering the sessions as per academic syllabus.

Child Club
SMOKUS runs 9 child clubs. The child club children have increased their knowledge on child rights & sustainable development ( Environment Protection) through child club
First child club children are doing an activity on the importance of listening through communication games and second child club children learned how to protect vulnerable children through the protection tree.

Protection Tree
Protection Tree is an interactive game for children where they learn how children are vulnerable in different situations and in such cases where should they go for referral services such as anganwadi, police, child protection officer or helpline etc.